Thursday, January 28, 2010

Change Dealer Application Letter Should A Minor Child Be Allowed To Marry In Missouri With Only One Parents Signature?

Should a minor child be allowed to marry in Missouri with only one parents signature? - change dealer application letter

Regardless of the custody agreement, if the law has changed to require both parents to Missouri, before signing a minor child the right to a marriage license be obtained? (currently the law requires only "a parent or guardian" sign). In addition, the law requires, if the licensing authority (for marriage licenses) to use 3 days to wait to see all active processes and deny licenses if it finds an active case? (no electricity).

Case study: is a non-custodial parent in shared custody of a change of custody of the daughter 16yrs tabled in the House methamphetamine. The mother of the groom is a merchant. The girl did not live with him, but he felt his safety is more important. 3 days after the mother received the papers he signed an application for a marriage certificate to the girl and was waiting for a license under 3 days. Get married, the Daugh 5 days after the license has. (16 days) after the application.


Sophiesm... said...

I truly believe that both parents must sign

ronnny said...

they can no longer law. A parent must be able to go to the clerk of the court and to obtain the dismissal.

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