Saturday, November 28, 2009

Beat The Wall Without Sound My Neighbor Is TOO LOUD. How Do I Get Him To Shut Up Without Retaliation?

My neighbor is TOO LOUD. How do I get him to shut up without retaliation? - beat the wall without sound

It all started when my new neighbors move in a few weeks. At first, everything was quiet, but now every evening the last week or so I heard horrible noises through the wall.

At the beginning it was like he hit a small child, I heard wimpering and cry, but last night I had a stethoscope to the wall and realized that he was not the case. I think masturbating violently, possibly with the whip, a whip or a silent partner or auto-erotic asphyxiation, etc. I'm not sure who. When I (the COO-Ing with a strange noise is interrupted) is sitting on her bed and cry for a while.

Now I have no problem with what people do in the privacy of their own home, but I think it is my right, heedless joy of hearing the same sleep.

How can my neighbor keep it a secret, without a lot of confusion and hostility? Have a minimum of one years rent, so I would cut this principle.


Mary K said...

Probably give him the benefit of the doubt that he did not realize that you can hear.

I would say something like "I can not imagine how the walls are thin. You know, I listen to all kinds of discussions and things that come into your house and ask if they can hear mine, too?" (Must do not go into detail, what you heard, saw what was, as always .... superficial.)

He will probably say no, say, "Well, if I may never know, because you do not want to disturb you ... I want to be a good neighbor" (ie) with a smile.

It is a rather subtle way to let him know that you can hear and
You get together with their neighbors (and smart people will always agree with the neighbors!), And consider the residents than those considered. There should also be your point.

I want to start and stop talking the talk with a kind, as the question of how close the parking situation, the time will,Streets, shopping malls, Christmas shopping, either. Make it easy and are at a point of conversation, without loading the feeling ".

If for any reason, a piece of land and still do not understand, tell him again on another day .... the same kind of conversation, but pleasant and friendly. I would be surprised if he a 2nd need to speak well ....

I found the most difficult situations by making the other person the benefit of doubt, treat, someone like me who would like to bring (soft and sweet) and just done, but usually kind to point all the best with the results.

Learned the art of a young girl who worked was a master at this .... I do not have too many ideas, but surely you can copy someone else's good when I see it: P

Take care and good luck.


chieroma... said...

I had a neighbor who could answer all the questions about the "danger." I could hear everything he said. But it was better than his electric guitar at midnight.

Try to be as long to say something else in the building, then say something as if by coincidence, these walls are thin? I hope that my TV / radio / voice / Barking Dog hair dryer to interfere. "Or say something like" the son of my neighbor (the other side of you) are sure loud, I hear what they say and do! Their loud neighbors? Perhaps you will track.

Another possibility would be somewhat obscure, find the noise like a fan or white noise machine.

The best solution is to talk with him to split the cost of adding insulation, if there is an option.

On the positive side, you will probably die from asphyxiation before your lease is up.

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